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Post by debian » Wed Sep 15, 2021 1:12 pm


use rclone or SwiftStack client or cli or any other openstack swift client, this way you can access your files even if the homepage is not working (which happens quite often).

In general, you should not use unsecure unmaintained service which does not deliver what it prommised, which is the case for blomp, even if you get for free 10TB, it is not worth of thinking your data would be secure. There are really decent cloud services online which work and several are good for few things, some are not that good for few things. If you need a decent client for syncing on the fly with versioning, Mega offers quite a decent service, soft and enough storage. Also, take a look at Yandex Disk, this is by far the best way to store unlimited amount of pictures for free (and videos with any subscription). Pictures and Videos are the only and most growing segment, you save time and money as they have quite a decent application for phone, where Yandex might not the my choice for syncing data (as there is no client for that, yandex's does not support it) as well as it would not be my favourite service for storing larga files, however, yandex is very, very cheap compared to other services.

Yandex 360 offers you very cheap storage space.

As last, one drive for family offers 6TB for quite a decent price and offers syncing on windows (maybe some other too) as well as you get Microsoft Office license.

If you are not dependant on some clients or similar, check for cheap openstack s3/swift offers like from amazon or any other company.

As you see, there are enough really got cloud services which envolve and grow, none of this can be said about blomp. Once again, keep files on blomp only if you are ready to lose them at any time, support is non existing here and does not see reasons to invest more into this service, more the opposite, I guess they shorted it and blomp team is probably one/two man service.

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Post by BlompSupport » Sun Dec 26, 2021 12:47 pm

Hello Blomper,

This sounds like an isolated issue; did you retry opening recently? My guess is you might be having some internet provider issue. However, if it is still not opening, please reach out to us so that we can look into it as soon as possible. You know we are here for you! :)

-Blomp team
- Blomp support

Check out our video! Trust me, you're going to blomping love it.

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